Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Whats the deal with Rush Limbaugh editing and altering transcripts of his show?

He edits reality all the time to make it fit his own needs. Why would you expect different behavior with his own transcripts?Whats the deal with Rush Limbaugh editing and altering transcripts of his show?
Wow, you forgot to provide you proof.

You know that little thing called a source that proves that you didn't just pull that out of your.......

Anyone that listened to the video or read the transcript knows exactly what Rush meant (and I'm not a fan of his).

Nice try though.Whats the deal with Rush Limbaugh editing and altering transcripts of his show?
What's the deal with his show in the 1st place?

(and what's the deal with people who listen to it, I find it hard to believe they can't find SOMETHING better!)

Because he is a hypocrite.
Its his show? Besides, most shows transcripts are edited for a multi-tude of reasons.

Just because you're just now finding out about it, does not mean its a crisis or even cause for concern.
Well I was listening last Wednesday though I normally cannot and he said what he says he said not what the leftist are trying to say he said. It is unfortunate that these people are so consumed by irrational hatred that they cannot see when someone from the other side makes a valid point. No one should support phony soldiers, it undermines the credibility of the anti war movement and the real vets who choose to voice dissent which is their right to do even if I disagree with them.

Most people who speak about Rush as being hateful and all the other garbage, have NEVER listen to him and just run with left wing talking points as if they are factual. Try listening for more than three minutes and you will see what the left says he says is different than what he actually does say.
That's actually pretty normal. It's not a congressional record, his show doesn't need to reflect history, so he's free to clean it up afterward if he wants. Like a Director's Cut DVD...
The most truthful part of his show are the commercials.
it's wrong but let's face it, the guy has REASON to check everything he says and does now.
Wow i didn't think you libs could take it any lower but you proved me wrong!~!
How many people have made false claims saying they served, where medals they never earned, among so many other things. Rush has just made a point of exposing lies told to us, the American people. Rush has 100% support for those in the military, but has none for those that claim, but have never served. Take a look back at tapes of former President Clinton. He never recieved a ';salute'; from the Marines. Why is that? He never severed this country. I hope the Military turnes their back if Hillary is elected. She never served and is anti military, but wants the respect of the military? With President Clinton, it is custom to turn to the President to await orders, those military personell never did with him.
Every news agency and/or talk show in the world does this.

How else could the news media turn up with a story a day to slur our president?
So he can deny the lies he tells.
He opened his big mouth and put his big foot in it and now he is trying to rewrite the story. He is now and always has been a buffoon.

Rush exploits free speech for his message and would deny the same right to the opposition.
To showcase his brand of propaganda in the light he wants.

When you listen to the actual transcript as it was then it is apparent that he and the then caller were speaking about the previous caller not this Jesse person.
Did he? I only heard a clip and read a transcript. Is there someplace I can find the actual transcript?..........
Edited for time, not content, when he was addressing the latest kooky attacks on him.

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