Friday, 12 February 2010

Fake transcripts/bank statement.. What cases can be filed against this person?

I have a friend who is planning to create fake transcripts and fake bank statements to send it to the university in the US she is applying to, and to show to the US Embassy to be granted a visa.

What can be filed against her?

Are there exceptions for minors?

What can be the punishments?

Can the high school which she graduated from (whose name appears in the transcript ) file a case against her?

Can the university he is applying to do so?

The bank (which she actually doesn't have a connection to)?Fake transcripts/bank statement.. What cases can be filed against this person?
1. Criminal charges for violation of immigration law with the possibility of spending up to 20 years in jail and a $250,000 fine

2. The only exception would be that age might be taken into account in determining the sentence, so 20 years in jail probably wouldn't happen.

3. in addition to the above, punishment would include being denied entry to the USA in future.

4. Can't answer for the high school as I don't know what country she is from.

5. The university probably wouldn't take her to court but she could expect to be kicked out of school.

6. I suppose the bank would have to prove that they had incurred a loss. I doubt they would ever accept her as a customer though.

In conclusion, there are a lot of things that can go wrong here. I suggest you strongly advise your friend against doing this.

If your friend can create authentic-looking documents, can't she direct her talents to more useful pursuits?Fake transcripts/bank statement.. What cases can be filed against this person?
She, then He? how about YOU. dont do it.

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