Friday, 12 February 2010

Is it okay to enroll to a college without sending them old college transcripts (just your high school)?

I was thinking of going back to college and i didn't want them to see the grades I got in college 15 years ago.Is it okay to enroll to a college without sending them old college transcripts (just your high school)?
You should contact the school you're interested in. If they catch you in a lie, they will dismiss you. It's better to send and explain then to not send them at all.Is it okay to enroll to a college without sending them old college transcripts (just your high school)?
yes you're good and you don't need any body telling you other wise good luck
yes. try ur luck, and after that if they check and ask you why you hid it, say its because no-one asked and you just assumed you could enroll without a past check

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