Colleges send both a transcript for grades and one for financial aid. The financial aid transcript will tell the new school if you have ever been put on financial aid probation or if you owe another school money or even if you are in default on a prior student aid loan. The transcript for grades may affect you. For example, if you were attending a school and they put you on probation for financial aid due to poor grades and then you continued to do poorly, but transferred to a new school in the hopes that the new school would provide financial aid, you would not be extended financial aid.
Also, the financial aid program allows you 150% of the estimated time to complete a degree. If you began school and then took some time off or it took you longer than expected to complete your program, you can be denied financial aid just for taking too long to graduate. You can file for an appeal in cases like this and the financial aid office will allow for special circumstances, such as illness or tragic events that may have prevented your attending school but you need proof to back up your story.Can transcripts from my other college hinder me from getting stafford loan or financial aid?
Yes because first of all colleges need your transcript to even accept you into colleges in the first place.If your transcript grades are bad that may help hinder you from getting stafford loans and other aid depending on your age and school rules.The best thing to do is to be honest and deal with any problems that may heed you from receiving aid head on.Talk to the financial aid or admissions personnel at the school and i wish you the best of luck because it is hard keeping my grades up as it is!Can transcripts from my other college hinder me from getting stafford loan or financial aid?
Can it hinder you from loans? No. If your accepted into a school that offers stafford loans, your prior school academic history will bear no influence on your amounts or eligiblity.
Now, for other types of financial aid, yes. For instance, scholarships that are merit based or hourly based. For instance, ACG, hope scholarship etc.
Now, if you have a bachelors degree already, than the school once they get that transcript pretty much will see that and there goes pell, and most other stuff.
Your academic transcripts will not hinder you from getting financial aid. Once you are at a college and do not maintain satisfactory academic progress towards your degree such as dropping classes each semester or not maintaining the required gpa will get you on probation and then termination if terms are not met.
A poor transcript from the college you are transferring from may affect the grade level your loan is processed for, and thus the amount, depending on how many credits you are able to transfer in. Most colleges will not accept grades below a C level.
Your transcript has nothing to do with your financial package.
As long as you keep a decent GPA and need the money to finance your college education, you're good... I think... for the most part. :)
Good luck!
no ur transcript has nothing to do with ur loans unless ur gpa is low. that could keep u from getting loans that have low interst rates.
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