Most every college or high school you have attended will need your request in writing. (because they need your signature) Some schools however do have this feature on their websites, which is very nice and convenient, saves you the time of having to write a letter and mail it. But in the instance that they do not have this feature on their website, you will need to state your name, address, telephone, social security number (or school id #), where you want the transcripts sent and most importantly your signature. You may even want to call and verify what exactly each school needs, some require a small fee to send the transcripts. Good luck! I just got done doing this myself after being out of school for 15 yrs.. Also, it is a good idea to follow up to make sure they did in fact receive your letter and mail the transcripts.I am going to college after 10yrs.but I need my high school transcripts. How do I get a copy my transcripts.?
contact yourhigh school's guidance dept if that doesnt work, then the school board of your district. email me if you still have troubleI am going to college after 10yrs.but I need my high school transcripts. How do I get a copy my transcripts.?
Try calling the high school and asking for a copy... Most colleges will ask you to take a entry test though ... good luck!
Try to call your school or else go to the high school education board. they will give u the transcript.
Some colleges don't require high school transcripts if you've been out of it for more than a couple of years.
you need to contact your high school and ask them for a copy. sometimes you can request these things online - depends on the high school. if not, just call the main office in your high school.
Call the High School where you graduated and ask. My guess would be at Central Office in the school district where you graduated.
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